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Packaging Equipment

High-speed constant temperature shrink packaging machine

    1. Product technical characteristics
         The shrink packaging machine adopts the lower air transport, and the air volume is arbitrarily adjusted by the frequency converter to be controlled by the frequency converter, and the speed is steplessly adjustable on the furnace cavity.
    The part can be opened for easy cleaning and maintenance. The entire process of the package can be seen through the window in front of the device. The front power supply line and rear can be selected as needed.
    The endless power storage platform hot air circulation system can reduce the heating cycle in the furnace during heating time, and the heat insulation fiber material can effectively reduce heat loss and produce
    The temperature of the workshop is not affected, and a large amount of power is saved. The energy efficiency is extremely high. The airflow guidance and the bottom wind flow can be adjusted to the basic configuration of the roller conveyor belt.
    Product requirements are equipped with stainless steel or Teflon
    2, product technical parameters
    3. Scope of application
    Applicable to a variety of CD, DVD, cosmetics, electronic products, printing, color boxes, greeting cards, small appliances, photo albums, photo frames, picture frames and other products in a single package or combination packaging,
    Suitable for mass production
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